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Homestay host families in Mendoza, Argentina

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Name Region City Available Monthly
fee (US$)
Andrea Paredes Capital Mendoza 28 Nov 2016 5000.00
Good Morning. My name is Andrea Paredes, and I am working as Homestay Mendoza - Argentina. I live with my husband in a beautiful apartment high level in the city center. two years ago and stay foreign students are proud to have grade 10. I want to of...

Carla Vittori Mendoza Mendoza City 25 May 2013 500.00
Own bedroom and bathroom, near the park and universities. Bus half block...

Paula Cattaneo Mendoza Mendoza City 18 Feb 2013 1000.00
Mine is one of the most beautiful houses en Quinta Sección (the best neigborhood in mendoza city) with pool and all facilities. It is just 5 blocks away from the San Martin Park. The room I offer has its own bathroom, TV and is very confortable. We a...

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