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Homestay host families in Valladolid, Mexico

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Name Region City Available Monthly
fee (US$)
Maria Dzib Quintana Roo Valladolid 27 Dec 2012 700.00
I like to have friends from other countries. Our house is close to downtown, 10 minutes walking distance. This is the right place if you want to spend time with a local family in a nature enviroment. There are 2 chickens, 3 cats and very often the sq...

Emma Montes De Oca Yucatan Valladolid 29 Oct 2010 500.00
Air conditioned room with private bathroom. Garden and swimming pool. Two room available to share with home owner that speaks fluent Englsh and works in the tourist busimess. Pleny of opportunites to practice spanish and visit all the interest...

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